Importing to Canada?

We serve all of Canada and we understand the unique Canadian logistics market

Looking for a Better 3PL?

Discover McKenna’s commitment to accuracy and timeliness

Ready to Grow Your Business?

If you’re getting started with mass retailers, we can help



Show Articles From:
Mass Retail Industry

Customer Awarded

We are very proud to announce that our customer was recently recognized by Best Buy/Future Shop Canada who gave them their "Best in Class" award for compliance excellence. To achieve this prestigious award, they needed to have less than 2% combined missed appointments, late arrivals and pick accuracy.

Logistics Industry

The 4PL Relationship

Typically, a 4pl (4th Party Logistics) relationship has your customer wanting to open a distribution center in a city where you as the 3rd party logistics provider do not have a facility and you as their relationship manager want to control the communication. If you pick the right partner a 4pl can be a new source of revenue for your company with very little labor, time and resources invested; picking the wrong one can ultimately, damage a relationship with your client. These relationships can be tricky for a number of reasons and hopefully this will help in recognizing what to ask and how to manage this partnership.

Independent Retail Industry

McKenna Welcomes Delegation

On Friday September 17th, a delegation from the Japanese Warehousing Association visited McKenna Logistics Centres warehouse in Delta, British Columbia. Twenty three delegates from across Japan toured the McKenna facility and listened intently as we shared ideas on how we conduct business in Canada and how the owners / operators from Japan handle their facilities.


3PL Costs

How many times have you received a quote for a service and you believed that it was too high? You diligently did your homework and gathered some quotes from other providers to ensure that the service quoted is competitive and a reflection of what the current marketplace will offer. Once you compare the quotes-the question often becomes: Which competitor is going to provide me with top of the line service and at a fair price? 3PL providers and prospects do not operate any differently-in fact, as a salesperson, I get to listen to the prospect ask all the time-well your quote, at times , is higher or lower than the rest. I always respond by walking the client through the service quoted and the value that our 3PL will provide for the rate that has been quoted. It is my job to convince the prospect that the rate quoted is a reflection of our service levels and our ability to get the job done right the first time.

Logistics Industry

Logistics in Toronto or Logistics in Mississauga?

We've all been there, you've moved to a new city and your not sure where the safe places are, what area has the best schools, where the best shopping is, etc.. When it comes to looking for warehouses in Toronto, I'm sure you have similar questions. The first thing that you need to understand is what your options are when it comes to storing the product that you need to service the largest market in Canada.

Logistics Industry

What’s the Right Time to Move to a 3PL Company?

You've been thinking about moving your existing company to a third party logistics company but you can't decide if you should make the move or not. Rather than spend your valuable time and energy focusing on the back side of the warehouse, you're thinking that you'd much rather dedicate your limited resources to the sales and marketing that you enjoy and that brings in a much better return for the time you invest into it. So now comes the question... what's the right time to make the move from your warehouse to your new 3PL and when should you do it?!?

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Importing to Canada?

We serve all of Canada and we understand the unique Canadian logistics market

Looking for a Better 3PL?

Discover McKenna’s commitment to accuracy and timeliness

Ready to Grow Your Business?

If you’re getting started with mass retailers, we can help